Forms of magnesium

Magnesium occurs in various forms, such as a of magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide, or magnesium chloride. However, if we are looking for a form of the magnesium which will be effectively absorbed and assimilated by the body, we should reach for magnesium lactate, magnesium citrate or magnesium aspartate.

However, which form of magnesium is the best one?

Benefits of magnesium

Magnesium is necessary for proper bone mineralization and it is responsible for proper nerve conduction. You've probably come across the claim that frequent cramps are the result of a magnesium deficiency. And rightly so, because magnesium is responsible for muscle contractility. In people with thyroid disease, you should be aware of a possible deficiency of this element, because it is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. People who suffer genetically from diabetes, or who are already struggling with blood glucose management problems, should focus on the potential symptoms of magnesium deficiency and if necessary increase their intake of magnesium-rich foods as a preventive measure.

Optimally bioavailable form of magnesium in optimal dosage - recommended magnesium supplement - Apollo's Hegemony Magnesium Bisglycinate
Optimally bioavailable form of magnesium in optimal dosage - recommended magnesium supplement - Apollo's Hegemony Magnesium Bisglycinate

Magnesium performs several important functions in our lives allows for better focus, regulates thyroid function, reduces the risk of diabetes, prevents dementia, and improves the function of the immune system. Adequate levels of magnesium help prevent the formation of kidney stones. It is an irreplaceable element in the treatment and therapy of asthma, as it easier the process of expanding the airways. Women who often complain about painful menstrual periods should have their magnesium levels constantly in check. It may turn out that deficiency of this element is connected with extensive tension before menstruation. It is also good to make sure that school-age children get enough magnesium intake. The often encountered problems with concentration, or brain fog, may also be caused by magnesium deficiency

Nootropic form of magnesium - Apollo's Hegemony Magnesium L-Threonate
Nootropic form of magnesium - Apollo's Hegemony Magnesium L-Threonate

Causes of magnesium deficiency

What are the causes of magnesium deficiency? First of all, too low intake of magnesium-rich food, but also a problem with the digestive system. Frequent diarrhea or extensive use of diuretics, can cause magnesium deficiency problems. Many women are also uninformed about the need to increase their dietary magnesium supply while taking hormonal contraception, which can contribute to a significant magnesium deficiency. Similarly, stress can contribute to deficiency of this mineral.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency have some specific symptoms, so it is worth being aware of them. If you are often accompanied by weakness, headache, hair loss, as well as cramps, eyelid twitching, and even irritability, it's a signal to check your magnesium levels. Commonly known as palpitations, or irregular heart contractions, can also indicate a reduced level of magnesium in our body.

Cheap and effective magnesium supplement - Apollo's Hegemony Magnesium Malate
Cheap and effective magnesium supplement - Apollo's Hegemony Magnesium Malate

Excess magnesium in the body

Excess magnesium is a very rare condition and is called hypermagnesemia. A healthy body can easily cope, with the removal of excess of this element. The most vulnerable to excessive magnesium level are people with intestinal problems, which can result in excessive absorption of magnesium, and patients with kidney disease, whose body will not be able to cope with excretion of excessive magnesium. Symptoms of excess magnesium include impaired vision and speech, low blood pressure, slowed heart rate, weakened respiratory muscles, decreased muscle tone, diarrhea and vomiting.

Recommended daily intake of magnesium

We should provide about 300-400 mg of magnesium daily, but this is the value for a healthy adult. The demand increases in pregnant women and people exposed to chronic stress. Above all, you should enrich and diversify your diet plan, and plan thoughtful supplementation based on high quality magnesium supplements.